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Costello Insurance & Associates Inc. is committed to protecting your privacy. All of the information collected is used to fulfill your request for information about our services. Please let us know if you would like one of our licensed agents to contact you. Also include the most convenient time and method to contact you.
Please review your policy thoroughly. There may be many exclusions, some of which we have listed below and high out of the pocket deductibles.
1. Replacement cost contents
2. Screen Enclosure
3. Sewage back up
4. Dog liability
5. Sinkhole
Typically, these types of coverage are excluded. If you would like to add these types of coverage, please contact us and we will be happy to customize your policy to meet your needs.
Costello Insurance & Associates Inc. does not sell non-public information. The companies that we are contracted with are also prohibited from using non-public, personal information for any other purpose than for which they were hired.
